What is it?
Lent is a perfect time to look at your lifestyle and to choose to be healthy. The Daniel Plan was created by Pastor Rick Warren to help move people to the kind of lifestyle God intends for us.
“ Being healthy will not only change our physical being but also our walk with God. The Bible teaches that the starting point for change is dedicating our bodies to God. “ (Words of Rick Warren.)
There is a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Space to enroll, or you may contact either Kathy or Bev. We look forward to seeing you on March 6 and working together to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Deadline to sign up is March 2.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship.”
Romans 12:1
Presented by Kathy Shea (513) 257-3110 kathylshea@gmail.com and Bev Hansen (513) 535-4094 belebedeb@gmail.com
When and Where?
Join us this Lenten season for a weekly focus on:
-March 6 -FAITH
-March 13 -FOOD
-March 20 -FITNESS
-March 27 -FOCUS
-April 3 -FRIENDS
We will be meeting in Asbury Hall at 6:30PM.
What do I need?
Materials needed are The Daniel Plan book and The Daniel Plan Study Guide. An optional resource is The Daniel Plan Journal. If you need financial help with these items, please let us know and we can assist. Google ‘The Daniel Plan book’ and find multiple offers for the two or three books, or check with Kathy or Bev.
Where do I sign up?
Please follow the button below to register for the Lifestyle Classes.