Sanctuary Renovation News
The Sanctuary Renovation Project is scheduled to begin the week of January 15, 2024. We will be out of the sanctuary for at least six weeks or so. Starting on January 21st, 9:30AM worship will be held in John Wesley Hall.
The basic schedule is demolition first (old pews removed, sanctuary carpet and chancel flooring removed). Electrical will follow with ceiling painting. Windows removed, repaired, and installed. The Parlor Family Restroom will be constructed. Hamilton County code requires a new doorway to be installed at the top of the ramp near the fountain and greenery. Touch up work on wood and walls of the sanctuary, pulpit, and lectern are next. Flooring installed. Pews and chairs installed.
Stained glass repair and seating has come in with an anticipated credit of $472.
A new electric bid came in with a $15,000 credit. The electrical bid contract was awarded to M & G Electric LLC, the company owned by Rob Mirus (Joe's son) and Matt Gillespie. Another credit was just approved for our hanging decorative electric lights in the sanctuary. The Sanctuary Lights over the pews will be kept but the insides rewired with LED fixtures. (Originally, the sanctuary lights were to be replaced. We discovered replacement lights had to be custom made and had 16 weeks lead time.) By rewiring the existing sanctuary lights, we save another $15,000 (Rob Mirus's idea). Also, Joe Mirus will be hired to do the touch up staining/repair of wood and other carpentry work.
We have hired Transforming Christian Ministries with Michael Vilardo to help us with the capital campaign. Michael comes highly regarded. He is a member of the Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church in Cincinnati. He has led stewardship training, capital campaigns, and strategic planning in numerous churches across the United States including Westwood UMC. Commitment Sunday will be May 5. We will be contacting people soon to be on the Campaign Cabinet to help with the process.
Our old pews are available to anyone who wants them. If you would like a pew, they must be claimed by JANUARY 14th. Call the church office for further details if you have not already spoken with Pastor John.